China Minerals (Hong Kong) Rare Metal Resources Company

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China Minerals (Hong Kong) Rare Metal Resources Company


China Minerals (Hong Kong) Rare Metal Resources Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Minerals Resources Group Co., LTD., with the largest cesium garnet mine in production in the world, mainly engaged in the mining and beneficiation of cesium, lithium and tantalum ores, the processing and sales of cesium salts, and the sales and leasing of cesium formate。With branches in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Norway, the business is spread across Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa。Due to the scarcity of cesium garnet resources and high technical barriers to the industry, the global scale production of cesium salt products are very rare。The company's cesium salt products are complete in variety and excellent in quality, especially the processing technology and product quality of cesium formate products represent the international cutting-edge level。Cesium formate is mainly used in high temperature and high pressure Wells in oil and gas industry as completion fluid and drilling fluid。Compared with traditional completion fluids and drilling fluids, cesium formate has many characteristics such as low viscosity, low toxicity, high solubility, high temperature resistance, and recyclability, which can effectively improve drilling efficiency and increase oil yield, and is widely used in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Southeast Asia, South America and other regions。
